0期生 | ||||
ときのそら | ロボ子さん | AZKi | さくらみこ | 星街すいせい |
1期生 | ||||
アキロゼ | 赤井はあと | 白上フブキ | 夏色まつり | ー |
2期生 | ||||
紫咲シオン | 百鬼あやめ | 癒月ちょこ | 大空スバル | ー |
ホロライブゲーマーズ | ||||
白上フブキ | 大神ミオ | 猫又おかゆ | 戌神ころね | ー |
3期生 | ||||
兎田ぺこら | 不知火フレア | 白銀ノエル | 宝鐘マリン | ー |
4期生 | ||||
天音かなた | 角巻わため | 常闇トワ | 姫森ルーナ | ー |
5期生 | ||||
雪花ラミィ | 桃鈴ねね | 獅白ぼたん | 尾丸ポルカ | ー |
秘密結社holoX | ||||
ラプラス | 鷹嶺ルイ | 博衣こより | 沙花叉クロエ | 風真いろは |
ホロライブ DEV_IS / ReGLOSS | ||||
火威青 | 音乃瀬奏 | 一条莉々華 | らでん | 轟はじめ |
ホロライブ DEV_IS / FLOW GLOW | ||||
響咲リオナ | 虎金妃笑虎 | 水宮枢 | 輪堂千速 | 綺々羅々ヴィヴィ |
ホロライブインドネシア(ID) | ||||
アユンダリス | ムーナ | イオフィ | オリー | アーニャ |
レイネ | ゼータ | カエラ | こぼかなえる | ー |
ホロライブEnglish(EN) | ||||
森カリオペ | 小鳥遊キアラ | 一伊那尓栖 | がうるぐら | アメリア |
IRyS | セレス | クロニー | 七詩ムメイ | ハコス |
シオリ | ビジュー | ネリッサ | フワワ | モココ |
エリザベス | ジジムリン | セシリア | ラオーラ | ー |
引用:hololive ©2016 COVER Corp. |
1戦目 シオン 後⭕️
2戦目 シオン 後⭕️
3戦目 かなた 後⭕️
4戦目 レイネ 先⭕️
5戦目 かなた 後⭕️
Yes i live and only play in singapore, the reason i posted in japanese is to hope that japanese players can look towards overseas players for ideas the same way all of us overseas look towards japan for decks.
polka was very fun to me back in the first set and it had a lot of potential. When quintet spectrum arrived, i knew many people will be using reine and kanata, but i personally did not want to just use the best decks to win. Polka’s biggest weakness is decks that can get rid of her in one attack like kanata and promise. When both of them got restricted, the game became slower, allowing polka to take advantage while the new decks are struggling to fight back. Reine does 210 damage which is enough to attack many 2nds that have around 200 hp, but polka has 240 hp, meaning Reine players have to use two attacks to get rid of polka. The longer the game goes on, the more fans polka has and she might even take out reine in one hit. Everyone has thought about shion as the counter to reine, after seeing the bloom cup in japan, i knew singaporeans will be playing shion to beat the reines. Polka has a very strong advantage against shion because zain does not count as yell for the shion. So in the end i picked polka because she was my favourite and most experienced deck and i felt she was strong against everything but kanata
先攻の場合、Spotぺこらをコラボさせて、Buzzサーチを狙います。 もしスポットぺこらがなければ、キアラとコラボしますが、相手が最初のターンでキアラを倒せるかどうかに注意しなければなりません。
2ターン目に行くときは、ぺこらかポルカとだけコラボしますが、後ろのポルカにエールを送ることが非常に重要です。 センターポルカは生き残れないと想定する必要があるため、ポルカに 20 ダメージしか与えずにエールを与えるのは無意味です。
ポルカはいつでも無料で退却でき、ダメージを受けていない後ろのポルカと交代して、次のターンに2回叫ぶことができます。 センターポルカが倒れると、エールが3つになり、ザインで2回攻撃できる可能性が生まれます。 最も重要なのは、ターン2でバズポルカに咲かせることができるときに、キアラのSPスキルを使用できるようにすることです。
You always want to go first, not because polka needs to, it is to prevent the opponent from going first so they cannot bloom into higher hp cards and they have lesser holopower.
Polka does not really do anything whether she goes first or second in the first turn. When going first, you are looking to collab spot pekora so she can find your buzz. If you do not have spot pekora, you will collab kiara but you have to be careful if the opponent can take down kiara in their first turn. Collab polka only if you have enough polkas on the stage, because you will need a polka to be on the stage to replace the center polka if it is taken out.
When going second, you collab only pekora or polka, however it is super important to put your yell to a polka in the back. You have to assume center polka will not survive, so it is not worth giving her a yell for only 20 damage. Polka can always retreat for free and swap with the back polka who did not take any damage and have 2 yells the next turn. If the center polka went down, you now have 3 yell which allows you to possibly attack twice with zain. The most important is having your kiara sp skill available when you can bloom into buzz polka in turn 2.
常に2ndかなたで50オーバーを狙いにきます。 できるだけ頑張ってかなたが2nd bloomするのを阻止してください。
Playing against kanata is always a nightmare, you always have to look out for both kanata’s oshi and SP skill. Kanata will always try to take down your polka when they go second. Try as hard as you can to stop kanata from going into 2nd bloom because she can take out 3 lives if she get the overkill on buzz polka. If possible, have buzz polka as your collab instead so the oshi skill will not work on her, but it means you will need another buzz polka to attack the next turn. Kanata’s biggest weakness is finding it’s cards, so a lot of the time it comes down to luck
Against Reineiofi, going first is a big advantage because you can get rid of the reine center before it blooms to 1st. If polka goes second, reine can bloom into a 1st with 160hp with tatang and does 70 damage which is enough to take out polka, making it very hard for polka to take it down in the second turn. When they have 2nd Reine, you want polka buzz to be full hp so reine cannot take it down in one attack, this means they have to use their iofi’s 150 damage to take out a polka with 20-30 hp left, then you can use kiara’s sp skill and continue attacking.
ポルカが1枚しかない場合は必ず引き直します。なぜなら、1ターン目か2ターン目にそれが取られてしまうと簡単に負けてしまうからです。 センターにDebutキアラしかない時もありますが、その場合はキアラをバトンタッチさせることを考慮して計画を立てる必要があります
When playing polka, you will always want at least 2-3 polka on the stage, one pekora, one pc to find kiara, any 1st stage polka and a limited card ideally mane-chan. Drawing cards with limited is super important in polka because you are always low in hand so mane-chan is the best card. I will always redraw if i only have one polka because i could lose the game if it is taken out in turn 1-2 which is very easy. There will be times when you only have kiara debut in the center, if it happens you have to plan your ale with retreating kiara in mind
シンガポールには実際に多くのホロライブファンがいますが、その多くはゲームを知らなかったり、興味がなかったりします。 日本やシンガポールでさらに宣伝されることで、もっと多くのプレイヤーが興味を持ち、参加してくれることを願っています。
It is popular enough that we can have maximum participants for bloom cup, singapore actually has a lot of hololive fans, just that many of them do not know about the game or is not interested. Hopefully as it gets promoted more in japan and singapore, more players will be interested and join. The game is also big enough in Taiwan,Hong kong and in Korea that they have bloom cups with similar amount of participants, so be sure to check out their results and players as well!